1. HTML: Hypertext Mark-up Language

  2. CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

  3. Javascript: Simple Programming Language

These are some of the more common "tools" used in creating a website. HTML is used to tag and mark-up
text so the browser is able to read it as a webpage. You could create a simple webpage using only HTML,
however it would be similar to having a house that is unpainted, and missing shutters, doors, and other
ornamental features.

Example of some website data using only HTML (a screen shot below from the site): Go to:JohnCCary

CSS allows you to format your text with fonts, color, alignments, background tones etc. It also lets you
make global changes and updates to all your pages, so you don't need to repeat formatting steps to each
page individually.

Example of an area of a website that uses "CSS" to add some format and flavor to a webpage is the "green"
background color on the home page. Without CSS the page would simply display a white background.
(a screen shot below from the site):
Go to:WalkingClub

Javascript is a simple programming language that adds interactive commands to your site. HTML & CSS
provide the website with much of the static content while Javascript makes your pages more dynamic and
exciting. It is not the same as Java Language programming. Java is a more complex program used on
the web. There is a long story about the name of the programs but understand they are not the same.

Example of an area of a website that uses Javascript to create the effect: When you "mouseover"
the pictures, its identifying name quickly appears (a screen shot below from the site):
Go to:WalkingClub